Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Experts Workshop on Feasibility of Low Carbon Development Network

Together with Jiangsu Department for Ecology and (JDEE), GIZ Jiangsu Project held an Experts Workshop on Feasibility of Low Carbon Development Network on August 07, 2020.

The workshop invited experts from various institutes, such as the Jiangsu Strategy and Development Research Center, the Engineering Consulting Center, the Jiangsu /Nanjing Energy Saving Service Center, the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie from Germany, the Beijing representative of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Nanjing University, and Southeast University, They exchanged ideas and joined discussions on the goal, structure, contents, maintenance, approach, as well as output of the network. Among the participants, it was jointly agreed that not only would the construction of the network would be beneficial greatly to the low carbon development of Jiangsu Province. It would also behoove the network to consolidate and disseminate the achievements of the province.

It was suggested that the initiators of the network could consist of government departments, research institutes, enterprises (in regard to low carbon technologies and R&D), financial institutes (providing low carbon financing service), and international cooperation institutes (e.g. international organizations, domestic or international universities).

Photo Credit: GIZ

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