The German/European Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction Experience manual, written by experts from FutureCamp, is officially published. It was commissioned by the IKI Sino-German Cooperation on Emissions Trading, Carbon Market Mechanisms, and Industry-Related N2O Mitigation implemented by GIZ.
The manual presents and assesses different policy tools to reduce industry-related N2O emissions. Focusing on specific measures for N2O mitigation, the manual explores relevant policy instruments employed in the European Union, particularly cap and trade within the EU ETS and joint implementation. Expanding on German and European experiences, the manual details the design and implementation of monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of N2O emissions. Lastly, the publication outlines the implementation of various abatement options for nitric acid and adipic acid production sites, the abatement efficiency, and costs.
The manual is displayed in both English and Chinese.