Participants and experts at the International Workshop on the Construction, Operation, and Supervision of an ETS Trading Platform in China in Shanghai © GIZ/SEEE
On the 12th to 14th of March 2019, the GIZ and the Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange (SEEE) together with the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) and the European Energy Exchange (EEX) organized a technical workshop to discuss practical aspects of establishing, operating and supervising an emissions trading platform in Shanghai. 35 participants engaged in in-depth discussions on market operations, surveillance and the auctioning within the Chinese and European carbon markets.
On the first day, Mr. Qian Guoqiang from SinoCarbon and Ms. Lu Bingqing from SEEE set the scene by introducing the current status of China’s national ETS and its national trading platform. Mr. Jan Weiss from the DEHSt introduced the EU ETS and its legal framework on the European and the national level. Mr. Michael Mueller from EEX provided insights on the legal framework of exchange trading in Germany and the EEX.
The second day was dedicated to the topics of market operations and market surveillance. Ms. Maria Ziesche and Mr. Henning Hentschke from EEX and Ms. Zhang Wenqing and Mr. Fan Dongxing from SEEE provided input on the practices, lessons learned and challenges in Germany and China.
Auctioning was the main theme for the final day of the workshop. Presentations by Mr. Zang Aoqing from SEEE and Mr. Jan Weiss provided the basis for discussions, while Ms. Maria Ziesche offered participants an inside view of the auctioning system at EEX.
The three-day workshop addressed a variety of issues concerning the construction, operation and supervision of an ETS trading platform. Based on the experiences from both countries, many recommendations emerged out of the discussions. These recommendations will be highly beneficial for the support and development of an effective carbon market in China (report on EEX here). Read more