Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change
China is highly exposed to the adverse effects of climate change, with many regions and cities especially exposed and vulnerable due to their geography and local conditions. Many localities are facing more frequent extreme weather, such as extreme heat and rain, and the rise of temperatures and sea levels, while often lacking comprehensive planning of how to adapt to the changing climate.
Adaptation at subnational level is an essential part of China’s National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2035 and a high priority of the Chinese government. To support the development and implementation of local-level adaptation policies and action plans, the project works together with local governments and research centres in three Chinese provinces. Through connecting them with international experts in the field and providing best practice examples from Europe, such as methodological support for climate impact and risk assessments, and the development of measures for strengthening the resilience of ecosystems, the project supports its partners in creating adaptation plans tailored to local needs. In addition, the project contributes to the development of an indicator system for monitoring and evaluating adaptation efforts at national level which will facilitate evidence-based policymaking.