The Sino-German Climate Partnership’s energy component has finalized publications on integrated energy concepts, which were developed by Chinese and German experts for the cities of Dunhuang (Gansu Province), Xintai (Shandong Province) and Jiaxing-Xiuzhou (Zhejiang Province) in the previous project phase. The concepts identified and analyzed each city’s specific geographic characteristics and renewable energy potential and modeled future energy demand. Moreover, they proposed tailor-made measures to achieve the highest possible share of renewable energy in energy consumption in all sectors by 2030. The concepts serve as an example of how best practices from Germany can be adjusted and applied in the Chinese context.
The publications summarize the energy concepts and convey them in a way suitable for a wider audience. The publication was first produced in German and was subsequently translated into Chinese and English. All versions will be published on the forthcoming Climate Partnership website.
The energy component has also been preparing a series of capacity development trainings on low-carbon heating. The target group of the trainings will be members of municipal authorities or their advisory bodies. The trainings will cover topics like the larger energy and climate political framework conditions, technical solutions, policy and regulatory tools and municipal-level planning. The trainings will be carried out in cooperation with German experts from the Renewables Academy (RENAC) and Chinese experts from the Energy Research Institute (ERI) of the NDRC. A first kick-off workshop among GIZ and these partners was held on March 20. Since then, the training concepts and materials have been developed.
There will be six trainings altogether, three in 2019 and three in 2020. Two of the three trainings will be conducted in China and one will take the shape of a study tour in Germany. While the 2019 trainings will cover low-carbon heating, a new topic will be developed for the 2020 trainings. The first training is scheduled to take place on June 20-21, most likely in the Shanxi Province. Read more