Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Research Report on How Jiangsu Province Reduces Coal Consumption

The report consists of four parts. The first part introduces the trends of domestic and international coal development. The second part analyzes the status quo of coal production and consumption of Jiangsu Province (including total consumption, coal consumption structure, coal utilization methods and efficiency) as well as its impact on the environment. Finally, the second chapter assesses the effect proposed of policy tools dedicated to reducing the consumption of coal. The third part proposes a comprehensive implementable roadmap for Jiangsu Province to reduce its coal consumption, analyzing the role of coal in the energy system of Jiangsu Province. The fourth part analyses the effects of the roadmap on air quality and GHG emissions reduction.

The English version only covers the executive summary. Please switch to “Chinese” to access the entire study.

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