The planned project “Sino-German Cooperation on Climate Change: NDC Implementation” (SGCCC-NDC) has concluded German experts’ research results through two workshops in September to prepare research-based suggestions for pilot region & industry selection on climate mitigation and adaptation. The process was to coordinate with the Chinese implementation partner of the SGCCC-NDC project, the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), to make a mutual and informed proposal to both ministries (BMU and MEE) on the region & industry selection and to kick off the bilateral cooperation later this year. Experts from the NewClimate Institute, Climate Analytics, Ricardo E&E as well as Dr. Gerhard Rappold and representatives from several IKI projects within GIZ China have also participated in the workshop discussion. On September 8, the thematic focus was the adaptation experience from EU/Germany. On September 10, experts introduced and debated the ambitious mitigation in the cement and power sectors. The research and discussion conclusions generated from these workshops have been sent to the NCSC, waiting for feedback.