The new Climate Transparency report was the main topic of the Steering Committee Meeting.
Six weeks before the planned publication of the new Climate Transparency Report, the Steering Committee of Climate Transparency met to discuss the report’s content. For the GIZ China, which collaborates with Climate Transparency, Dr. Alexander FISHER was invited to the talk. The online meeting was introduced with an analysis of the preparatory meetings shaping the international agenda in the run-up to COP26.
According to the analysis, the G20 Summit at the end of October will be decisive in finding a common ground and language for the climate conference set to take place only days later. Leaders and analysts alike hope for the G20 to agree to reach net-zero by 2050 and expect China and India to submit updated NDCs. Despite the international crisis surrounding the West’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and disputes over vaccination distribution, attendees expected that attention to climate issues will increase in the coming weeks.
The subsequent discussion on the content of the report focused in particular on the topics “1.5-degree compatible pathways and fair shares” and “Global benchmarks in the Covid Recovery Section”. Attendees agreed on highlighting country-level ambition gaps and outlining a comprehensive overview of the different aspects of economic recovery. In their discussion on country profiles, the steering committee exchanged views on projection methodologies used to assess the 1.5 degree track of countries. In addition, the key messages of the abstract, as well as the cover, were discussed.
Finally, attendees took a stance on the agenda of the presentation of the final report set to launch on 14 October. Read the full report here.