From 26 to 30 July the GIZ China, the Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation (CAUES) and adelphi jointly organized the “Training of Trainers on Integrated Solid Waste Management” in Suzhou, PR China. A total of 35 representatives from the SinoCarbon Innovation & Investment Co.,Ltd. , the GIZ, and demonstration cities (Suzhou, Xi’an, Bengbu and Tai’an) attended the training. The training is designed to broaden the knowledge of waste management practitioners and to assist the IWM NAMA pilot cities to gain skilled and capable waste management trainers. The training supports the spread of low carbon development concepts in MSW management. During the course of the training, international experts from adelphi, Envero, Intecus, Beuth University, Black Forest Solutions, and BN Umwelt were invited to share their insights on the principles of waste management and circular economy, and to share their experience in material flow analysis, waste treatment technologies, implementation and monitoring of integrated MSW management. One central aspect explored during the training was the promotion of effective participation of society in integrated waste management.

This training uses the online self-learning platform Moodle, which supports students in familiarizing themselves with the training contents in advance and also allows them to review and reflect on them after the training session. Furthermore, this platform allows for continuous learning as an open platform in the future. The training not only enabled the students to gain a deep understanding of the relevant concepts in international integrated waste management but visualized the similarities and differences in waste management systems in Germany and China.
On top of the theoretical part, the students were invited to visit the Suzhou Industrial Park Kitchen Waste Treatment Plant and to the Shishan Recyclable Sorting Center, where they learned about the specific characteristics of each plant and could experience directly how the MSW management policies were implemented.
The training answered the trainee’s questions and – through discussions – explored possible cooperation potentials between China and Germany in the field of integrated waste management in the future. The project is looking forward to the second block scheduled in October and to further strengthening the exchange and cooperation on waste management.