Workshop on energy statistics systems in China and Germany. Copyright: GIZ
Together with leading German experts, the Sino-German Climate Partnership’s energy component held a workshop on energy statistics systems, which are a crucial condition for successful policy-making in the energy sector.
When people think about the energy transition, few consider the importance of energy statistics systems. However, appraising the status quo and progress on targets, making forecasts, planning a low-carbon energy system and designing policies all rely on broad and reliable data on the energy system. A sophisticated energy statistics system is therefore a crucial enabler of the energy transition.
On 14 January 2020, the energy component of the Sino-German Climate Partnership conducted a workshop in Beijing on energy statistics systems in Germany and China. The workshop was attended by members of China’s National Bureau of Statistics, which is responsible for China’s energy statistics, as well as representatives from industry associations and research institutions. In this workshop, a paper by a German expert that had been commissioned by the project was presented. The focus of the paper and the workshop was on comprehensively introducing the German energy statistics system, including the process of compiling and harmonising data, methodological questions, the actors involved, and the sequence of steps from collecting the data to the publication of the official statistics. The paper also described the functions of the Working Group on Energy Balances, which is central to the coordination of other actors and the compilation of the official statistics.
The paper was written by Mr Hans-Joachim Ziesing, who acted as the head of this Working Group for 25 years and gave a talk on its main contents. There was another presentation by Mr Michael Nickel, Head of the Economics Department of BDEW, Germany’s largest energy and water industries association. In this capacity, BDEW also plays an important role in gathering data and coordinating actors, which Mr Nickel described to the participants. After the two German experts, Ms Hu Runqing of the Energy Research Institute introduced the Chinese energy statistics system.
The talks were followed by a question and answer session as well as discussions, which allowed the participants to explore certain aspects of the topic in more detail.