Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)


Municipalities are a central field of action for combating climate change and the transition to an ecologically sound, low-carbon energy system. In China and worldwide, most people live in cities and they are the level on which most climate and energy measures ultimately are implemented. What is particularly challenging to administrations and policymakers is that climate action is a cross-cutting task that affects all policy areas. Therefore, this kind of transformation requires an overarching plan. Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP) represent such a plan and form a cornerstone of municipal climate action and energy transition in Germany and Europe.

城市是应对气候变化、推动能源系统向低碳、环境友好转型的核心行动领域。目前,全球大部分人口居住在城市中,中国的城市规模也在不断扩大,大中小城市发展齐头并进,城市也正是大多数气候行动与能源措施最终的实施层面。而气候行动和能源措施涉及到城市的方方面面,因此对于城市而言需要一份总体规划协调各个领域,支持城市实现转型。而“可持续能源和气候行动计划”(Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan,下文简称气候行动计划)正是这样一份总体规划,它已经为德国和欧洲城市的气候行动与能源转型奠定了基础。

Contact Us

Sunflower Tower 1100 (11F)
37 Maizidian Street, Chaoyang District
100125 Beijing, PR China

