Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Adaptation work package quarterly exchange meeting on April 28

On April 28, 2022, experts and implementation partners from the National Centre for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), The Chinese Academy for Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Climate Analytics (CA) and GIZ came together to discuss current issues concerning climate adaptation in China and the corresponding project work. The meeting took place virtually.

After introductory remarks by Mr. Steffen Menzel, the project director of the GIZ NDC implementation project, Mr. Patrick Pringle, expert on climate change adaptation at CA, introduced the Climate Analytics work plan on adaptation for 2022. CA is set to focus on three activities in 2022:

  • Activity 1: Review of adaptation strategies and plans at the EU level and in Germany 
  • Activity 2: Support effective adaptation planning at the subnational level, implementation of the Chinese National Adaptation Strategy and adaptation planning at the subnational level, analysis of processes of adaptation planning
  • Activity 3: Report on lessons learned and success factors for national and subnational monitoring and evaluation systems. in Europe

After this first input, Prof. LIU Shuo presented CAAS’ adaptation activities for 2022. CAAS would focus on the conceptual contextualization of international adaptation norms, as well as the collection of local adaptation needs. The latter involves the improvement of data classification relating to adaptation needs and the launch of an online platform to inform and disclose adaptation measures. 

In the subsequent discussion, the CAA side confirmed that the localization of international standards was a common obstacle and should be prioritized. Another key discussion point was the participation of relevant stakeholders in the drafting of adaptation measures, as well as the agreement to further communicate European experiences in this field.

As a mode of cooperation, both sides agreed to draft briefings on experiences and good practices whose specific content was to be decided upon in the follow-up communication of the meeting. 

More project related activities

The climate and environment community in Beijing jointly reflects on COP outcomes

A key theme of the 2024 discussions at the COP16 on biodiversity and – to a lesser extent – at the COP29 on climate change was the importance of linking both communities to effectively address the global challenges. To reflect on COP outcomes as well as to facilitate exchange and collaboration between donors and implementers of the climate and environment community in Beijing, as part of its function as the interface for the IKI in China, the project organised a networking event on 11 December 2024.

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Beijing visits its partner cities Berlin and Cologne 

From 21 to 24 October 2024, GIZ organized a study tour on climate governance and legislation for a delegation of the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau to its German partner cities Berlin and Cologne. The delegation visited the renowned climate think tanks New Climate Institute and Ecologic Institute and met with representatives of the city governments of Cologne and Berlin.  

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Accelerating the decarbonization of cement in China

From 31 October to 1 November, the NDCI project organized a workshop on greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the cement sector for the provinces Anhui and Sichuan as well as a site visit to two cement factories as part of the project’s efforts to support low-carbon development in the cement sector. Stakeholders and experts discussed the policy and regulatory frameworks for achieving an effective and cost-efficient decarbonization of the cement sector

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