Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Follow-up exchange after modelling workshop with partner provinces

The follow-up meeting to the last workshop held in December took place on 7 January and was divided into two sessions. It was attended by the NDCI project consortium consisting of Climate Analytics Australia (CAA) and the NewClimate Institute (NCI), as well as Chinese partners from the Ecology Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, the Low-carbon Development Center of Inner Mongolia, and professors from Inner Mongolia University.

During the virtual conference, an exchange on the provincial partners’ technical capacity and high-priority tasks was facilitated. The attendees from Shandong elaborated on previous modelling work conducted by provincial authorities and provided details on the province’s energy mix and industrial sectors. Based on this input, it was agreed that the consortium was going to provide the Chinese side with case studies on successful modelling applications from Ireland, Jiangsu province, and Pakistan.

Source: GIZ, Kersting

In the second session, the Inner Mongolia partners shared their modelling capability across different sectors and requested technical cooperation for developing an energy system model, focused on the coal chemical subsector in particular. The different advantages and use-cases of a range of modelling frameworks including Input-Output models and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models for the calculation of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality scenarios were discussed. Because of the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector’s carbon sink potential, the Inner Mongolia partners said that this would also be included in future modelling training.

The workshop was closed with CAA’s proposal to prepare a questionnaire and some written-up information for the Chinese partners. The questionnaire for the assessment of Inner Mongolia’s modelling needs was provided two weeks later, and in mid-February, CAA authored the Shandong partners with a comprehensive technical response paper in order to elaborate in detail on the different methods for modelling emissions along with applied examples of case studies. This will form the baseline for future conversations between the technical partners over the coming months.

More project related activities

The climate and environment community in Beijing jointly reflects on COP outcomes

A key theme of the 2024 discussions at the COP16 on biodiversity and – to a lesser extent – at the COP29 on climate change was the importance of linking both communities to effectively address the global challenges. To reflect on COP outcomes as well as to facilitate exchange and collaboration between donors and implementers of the climate and environment community in Beijing, as part of its function as the interface for the IKI in China, the project organised a networking event on 11 December 2024.

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Beijing visits its partner cities Berlin and Cologne 

From 21 to 24 October 2024, GIZ organized a study tour on climate governance and legislation for a delegation of the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau to its German partner cities Berlin and Cologne. The delegation visited the renowned climate think tanks New Climate Institute and Ecologic Institute and met with representatives of the city governments of Cologne and Berlin.  

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Accelerating the decarbonization of cement in China

From 31 October to 1 November, the NDCI project organized a workshop on greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the cement sector for the provinces Anhui and Sichuan as well as a site visit to two cement factories as part of the project’s efforts to support low-carbon development in the cement sector. Stakeholders and experts discussed the policy and regulatory frameworks for achieving an effective and cost-efficient decarbonization of the cement sector

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