Photo Credit: Press Office BMUB
21 April 2016 – German Federal Minister of the Environment, Ms. Barbara Hendricks, visited the Shanghai Environmental and Energy Exchange during her current trip to China. Ms. Hendricks acknowledged the potential the introduction of a national emissions trading scheme (ETS) in China holds, calling it a mile stone for climate protection.“I am excited that we are able to share our experiences with China. Emissions trading offers China a great opportunity to meet its climate targets at the lowest possible cost,” said Hendricks in reference to the support provided by the Ministry in China through a GIZ-implemented project on ETS. The project, “Capacity Building for the Establishment of Emissions Trading Schemes” supports the development of the Chinese national ETS through legal consulting, professional and advanced training and knowledge transfer.
The project is made possible by funding from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and is jointly implemented by the GIZ and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). This cooperation entails organising supporting workshops, expert consultations, study tours to Germany and work-shadowing opportunities for Chinese experts, policy makers and industry representatives.
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