On 7 June 2023, the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) organised the closing workshop of one cooperation project on mitigation of industry related N2O. The cooperation is part of the project “Sino-German Cooperation on Emissions Trading Systems, Carbon Market Mechanisms, and Industry-related N2O Mitigation.” The project aims to support the abatement of industry related N2O emissions through capacity building, studies, workshops and various exchange formats for knowledge and technology, commissioned by Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Change (BMWK). The cooperation was under the guidance of the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), implemented by NCSC together with GIZ.

One important outcome of the cooperation is the “Handbook on N2O Mitigation Experience in Germany/Europe.” The handbook introduces different policy instruments to establish a conducive environment for potential action to mitigate industry-related N2O. It looks at the implementation side of the task, bringing together German experiences from the use of different pricing instruments that helped and continue to help Germany and the EU reduce its industrial N2O emissions at low cost, including the lessons learned which might help China in the upcoming framework. It is available on project website in both English and Chinese.
During the closing workshop, the project team from NCSC reported the further research results in detail, including, but not limited to, the handbook, referring to the relevant policies summary, current mitigation technologies, and emission monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) in Germany and China. They also made preliminary policy recommendations on industry related N2O mitigation in China. Representatives from the DCC/MEE, China Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry Association, Tsinghua University, GIZ, and other organizations and experts attended the workshop. Mr Tong Wentian, as representative from DCC/MEE, appreciated the outcome of the project and expressed the wishes for the further in-depth cooperation built on the basis of the current recommendation. The other participants also affirmed the outcome of the project, further confirming that it built the basic foundation for China’s industry related N2O mitigation in the future.