Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

GIZ facilitates development of CO2 emission reduction pathways in Anhui and Hunan Provinces by holding trainings for modelling decarbonization scenarios  

GIZ is supporting research in Anhui and Hunan provinces aimed at realizing China’s target to peak emissions by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2060 (the so-called “dual-carbon goals”) with a series of practical trainings on how to apply the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) model as a tool for scenario analysis. The LEAP model is a widely used energy and environmental policy analysis tool, helping decision makers to evaluate the effects of different emission reduction measures, to optimize the energy structure, and to achieve socio-economic development while protecting the environment. 


To this end, from July to September 2024, GIZ organized a series of trainings for the two provinces on the application of the LEAP modelling tool. Supported by the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and the Departments of Ecology and Environment of both Anhui and Hunan Provinces, the trainings provided technical support to policy makers for developing and improving relevant strategies, policies and action plans. They aimed to enable a sound analysis of future development pathways based on integrated resource planning and greenhouse gas mitigation assessments. 


Anhui province is a major cement producer in China. Thus, reducing emission in the cement industry is crucial for the realization of the “dual-carbon goals”. In June 2024, GIZ began its cooperation with the Anhui Provincial Academy of Eco-Environmental Science Research to conduct an in-depth study on carbon emission reduction policy for the cement industry in Anhui Province in support of the province’s targets to peak emissions early and decarbonize its economy. The research develops different emission reduction scenarios for the period of 2025-2035 and assesses their contribution to the early peaking of CO2 emissions in the province. To support scientifically sound scenario development and modelling efforts, GIZ organized two training sessions for the Anhui Provincial Academy of Eco-Environmental Science Research in August and September 2024. Experts from the climate science and policy think tank Climate Analytics with headquarters in Berlin hosted the trainings helping to advance local capacities for modelling as well as introducing the latest version of LEAP and state-of-the-art methodology for scenario building and data analysis. In particular, the sessions focused on how to adapt the tools for modelling to the cement industry and the local circumstances in China. 


In Hunan Province, due to continued increase in transport demand and a high share of oil in the fuel mix the transportation sector faces tremendous challenges to reduce carbon emissions. To address this challenge, the cooperation between GIZ and the Hunan Research Academy of Environmental Sciences aims to explore CO2 reduction pathways for the transportation sector in Hunan Province through policy guidance to promote the green transformation of the sector. Scenarios for modelling energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions for the transportation sector are developed and analyzed, forecasting carbon dioxide and major air pollutant emissions, to develop policy recommendations promoting the construction of an integrated, green and low-carbon transportation system. To this end, GIZ organized three LEAP modelling trainings for Hunan Research Academy of Environmental Sciences in July and August 2024 with the support of experts from Climate Analytics and the NewClimate Institute (NCI), two non-profit organizations working on Climate Policy. The trainings focused on the modelling methodology, taking into account the particular challenges of modelling the transportation sector in Hunan Province. Experts from NCI introduced ways to assess the impacts of a low carbon transition of the transportation sector on socio-economic development, including the quantification of potential co-benefits for aspects such as air pollution and health, accidents, congestion (travel time) and fuel savings. NCI showed how their ‘Transport sector climate action co-benefits evaluation’ (TRACE) tool can inform decision makers for how the choice of levers for reducing transport sector emissions can have very different sustainable development outcomes – highlighting that a just and sustainable transition requires acute awareness of the impact of policy choices. 


The in-depth discussions among Chinese and international experts laid a solid foundation for the research advising policy makers to achieve the provincial climate targets. The trainings not only enhanced the technical skills in practical application of the LEAP model, but also sparked ideas for new approaches to emission reduction research in both provinces. Ultimately, the work aims to provide decision makers with analytically and scientifically sound policy recommendations as a reference for promoting green and low-carbon transformation of the cement industry in Anhui Province and the transportation industry in Hunan Province, supporting both provinces in addressing climate change and advancing sustainable development. 


This collaboration is part of Sino-German Cooperation on Climate Change – Nationally Determined Contributions Implementation (NDCI) project, a bilateral cooperation project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI), cooperating with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China (MEE) and jointly implemented by GIZ and China’s National Centre for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC). 


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