On 14 October, Project Director Kristian WILKENING and Project Coordinator WANG Yin participated in the conference “Green Vision, Blue Future” held by the Midea Group, a large manufacturer of electrical appliances. The conference was attended by industry and climate policy experts at the occasion of the production start of Midea’s 2,100,00st R290 air conditioning unit, the first air conditioning system to receive the German blue angel eco-label. In his speech, Kristian WILKENING stressed the importance of climate-friendly cooling solutions in a warming world.
On 29 October, Kristian WILKENING and WANG Yin attended the “International Conference on Alternative Technologies in the Room Air-Conditioner Sector” organized by the China Household Electrical Appliances Association (CHEAA). Mr WILKENING together with Ms WANG Lei, General Secretary of CHEAA, acted as a moderator. The conference was centred around the Kigali Amendment and its coming into force in China in September 2021, as well as the opportunities and challenges connected to that.