Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

January Workshop with Adaptation Experts

The workshop was opened by Dr GAO Xiang from NCSC and Mr Steffen MENZEL of the GIZ NDC Implementation project who also introduced the participants from NCSC, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, and Climate Analytics (CA).

Following this, Dr Patrick PRINGLE of Climate Analytics gave a short presentation to recap previous activities of the joint work and make a few suggestions for moving the cooperation forward. Next, Ms LIU Shuo from CAAS introduced the project proposal and work plan, which contained the objectives, logical framework, components, a detailed implementation plan and the expected outcomes of the collaboration.

Credit: Unsplash

Subsequently, the participants engaged in a fruitful discussion about the scope of the project, both sides’ expectations, and the allocation of specific tasks and activities. It was agreed that one key objective of the adaptation work had to be the formulation of general guidelines and requirements for national adaptation plans, including a toolset for sub-national authorities to support them in developing their own adaptation plans, as well as monitoring and evaluation practices. Much research work and policy design still need to be conducted on these issues both in Germany and in China.

The participants also concurred that adaptation had to be designed with the specific demands and socio-geographical make-up of affected regions in mind, rather than developing a one-fits-all approach. The Chinese side stressed that European and German experiences would provide valuable case studies for further developing Chinese adaptation efforts. A crucial aspect of this would need to be the exchange of methods and best practices regarding their application, both sides agreed.

In conclusion of the meeting, the participants agreed to set up a regular quarterly meeting and open up stable channels of communication. Climate Analytics agreed to update its draft work plan based on the results of the discussion.

More project related activities

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Sino-German cooperation on early emissions peaking and decarbonization of the transport sector in Hunan province takes off

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