Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Series of Training on Emissions Data Reporting for Shenyang’s Local Industry Sectors

On November 13, December 17-18, 2020, the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment (SYBEE) invited local company representatives from its local industry sectors to participate in a series of training on emissions data reporting to the national emissions trading scheme.

GIZ, together with experts from the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and Tsinghua University were invited to provide valuable input for the participants. Furthermore, presentations and speeches were held by members of the Beijing Environment Exchange, the Shenzhen CTI International Certification Co., and the Shenyang Environment Exchange.

In addition to an insight into the Policy Outlook of China’s Carbon Peaking Target, Landscape of Carbon Neutrality as well as Tackling Climate Change during the 14th Five-Year-Pan, participants enjoyed an introduction into emissions trading and the EU ETS. Furthermore, the training offered courses in monitoring, reporting, and verification for GHG emissions data and the reporting guideline for the ceramic sector, the Shenyang GHG emissions data reporting system as well as CCER offsetting and compliance.

Overall, the training module succeeded in building capacity and was useful for preparing the local industrial sector for the unified national emission trading system.

Photo Credit: GIZ

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Industry-Related N2O Mitigation Closing Workshop

On 7 June 2023, the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) organised the closing workshop of one cooperation project on mitigation of industry related N2O. The cooperation is part of the project “Sino-German Cooperation on Emissions Trading Systems, Carbon Market Mechanisms, and Industry-related N2O Mitigation.”

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GIZ and NCSC Jointly Host Capacity Building Trainings on Industry-related Nitrous Oxide Emission Mitigation 

In November and December, 2022, GIZ and NCSC hosted two capacity building training sessions under the guidance of the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). The virtual trainings provided an overview of the German experience of mitigating N2O emissions from the industrial sectors and relevant policies for similar mitigation in China.

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