Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Technical Support on the Development of a Carbon Registry in Shenzhen

22-31 October 2012 – For the implementation of an effective carbon registry, which is essential for a functional ETS, the Shenzhen pilot region started tendering for the company that will develop the registry. In this regard the Shenzhen Emissions Exchange asked GIZ for additional consulting and advisory services for assisting and supporting that company in the final set-up. International expertise in the establishment of a carbon registry was therefore requested by the pilot region.


GIZ invited the international ETS/CO2 Registries expert Mr. Frederic Dinguirard (Andal Conseil) in order to assist and give technical support for the development of a carbon registry in Shenzhen.

This included the following objectives:

  • Support the design of the Registry system: Introduce basic knowledge about the Registry system and provide advice on the design requirements of the Registry system.
  • Support the preparation of drafting Registry Management Rules: Provide the texts of European Registry Management Rules and give recommendations on Shenzhen Registry Management Rules.
  • Support the development of the Registry system: Provide solutions to questions encountered in the development of an electronic Registry system of.

Mr. Dinguirard shared his technical knowledge and gave valuable advice and recommendations on the development as well as the design of a functional Registry system.

More project related activities

Industry-Related N2O Mitigation Closing Workshop

On 7 June 2023, the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) organised the closing workshop of one cooperation project on mitigation of industry related N2O. The cooperation is part of the project “Sino-German Cooperation on Emissions Trading Systems, Carbon Market Mechanisms, and Industry-related N2O Mitigation.”

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GIZ and NCSC Jointly Host Capacity Building Trainings on Industry-related Nitrous Oxide Emission Mitigation 

In November and December, 2022, GIZ and NCSC hosted two capacity building training sessions under the guidance of the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). The virtual trainings provided an overview of the German experience of mitigating N2O emissions from the industrial sectors and relevant policies for similar mitigation in China.

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100125 Beijing, PR China

