14-15 August 2014 – In order to enhance the understanding of GHG monitoring and reporting in Jiangsu, GIZ cooperated with both Jiangsu DRC and Jiangsu Information Centre CQC, to co-host the another Jiangsu Training among the current Training of Trainer series, where the focus was on Chemical Enterprises. With a total of 52 participants, a mixture of chemical enterprises, consulting firms, government representatives and others joined the intensive and informative two-day training.
The training covered the vital topics regarding GHG emissions monitoring including policy background, online reporting, national guidelines of GHG emissions accounting and reporting, internal data management and low carbon technologies. All topics were focused primarily on the chemical industry to provide participants with industry specific management techniques as well as to enhance their professional knowledge.
With the use of case studies and real time demonstrations, participants enriched their understanding on the current best practices regarding carbon asset management, carbon accounting and the use of the online emissions reporting platform.
During the two-day training, chemical industry participants showed prominent interest in the topic at hand. Questions raised were industry-focused and specific, illustrating the active development of emissions accounting systems and management systems currently in the Chemical industry. Participants responded positively to the training where a vast majority rated it helpful to both them and their enterprises.