On September 19, 2022, GIZ collaborated with the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) to organize a hybrid workshop in Beijing focusing on Industry-related N2O mitigation technology in China. The workshop was moderated by Ms. MA Cuimei, Deputy Department Director from NCSC and opened by a speech from Mr. Kristian Wilkening, Project Director of the GIZ Project Sino-German Cooperation on Emissions Trading Systems, Carbon Market Mechanisms, and Industry related N2O Mitigation.

The attendees included experts from various universities, China Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry Association and China Petro-Chemical Industry Federation. As preparation for the workshop, a survey was carried out by the associations to collect information and status quo from related sectors – Nitric Acid, Adipic Acid and Caprolactam – consisting of more than one hundred enterprises.
One handbook on the industry, ”Related N2O Mitigation Experiences in Germany/EU”, is currently being finalized and will be made publicly available soon. The N2O mitigation technology described in the handbook contributed partly to the introduction during the workshop. Furthermore, all existing N2O mitigation technologies, from technology categories to cost evaluation of the technologies operation as well as potential technology application in China were mentioned during the introduction. Discussions focused on the detailed comparison of different technologies, potential measures for cost reduction, the trend of the industry development in China and the potential policy tools under the Chinese Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) system.
The main purpose of this meeting was to assist NCSC in the preparation of a policy recommendation paper for the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) under the Department of Climate Change (DCC). Further activities, including capacity building for the enterprises, were set as future steps during the workshop.