Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Workshop Summary: Allowance Allocation in the Civil Aviation Sector for National ETS (Beijing)

On 8 March 2016, the GIZ and the China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology (CAST) hosted a workshop in Beijing on “Allowance Allocation in Civil Aviation Sector for China’s National Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).” It was attended by members of government authority, airlines, research institutions and other stakeholders. The workshop provided a platform for German and Chinese experts to exchange information and experiences related to the topic and provide offer recommendations for the upcoming national ETS. Speeches explored a wide range of subjects relevant to the practical implementation of allocation methods.

Mr. Wang Tie, an official from the Department of Climate Change at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) delivered a roadmap and the current progress being made towards the establishment of the national ETS.

Dr. Olaf Hölzer-Schopohl, Head of the Aviation Unit at the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) Dr. Olaf Hölzer-Schopohl, Head of the Aviation Unit at the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) speaking on the experiences from the EU ETS

Dr. Olaf Hölzer-Schopohl, Head of the Aviation Unit at the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt), detailed the lessons learnt from including civil aviation in the EU-ETS such as policy design, implementation, oversight and impacts, which were well-received by Chinese attendants. Experience from the Shanghai pilot ETS was offered by Tang Wei, an analyst from the Shanghai Information Centre.

IMG_0057 (Medium) Guest speaker, Prof. Zhang Xiliang is a researcher at Tsinghua University in Beijing

The specific methodologies which may be employed in China’s national ETS, such as benchmarking for civil aviation were presented by Prof. Zhang Xiliang of the Institute of Energy, Economy and Environment at Tsinghua University. Prof. Zhang was assigned by the NDRC to work on general allowance allocation for the national ETS.

Dr. Ma Xiangshan of CAST introduced the defining features of aviation emissions, the involvement of Chinese airlines within an international framework, and the technical and administrative problems which must be addressed by airlines in order to control emissions.

Dr. Ma Xiangshan, Director of Environmental Protection Division, Institute of Aviation Development, CAST Dr. Ma Xiangshan, Director of Environmental Protection Division, Institute of Aviation Development, CAST

The national requirements of the greenhouse gas emission accounting and reporting for airlines and airports were highlighted by Prof. Chen Liang of the National Institute of Standardization.

Presentations were followed by constructive Q&A sessions and participants gave feedback and suggestions about the allowance methods to the NDRC and other attending experts. One member commented that, “the first-hand experience and the actual allocation method used in the Shanghai pilot and EU-ETS were most valuable.”

Beijing Aviation (15)

The information exchange was beneficial and relevant to the implementation of China’s upcoming national ETS.

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