Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)


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Technical Urban-Act workshop on the natural resource and spatial planning sector

Earlier this year, the Urban-Act project set up a working group to promote climate-resilient urban spatial planning through technical research and pilot demonstrations. On 29 August 2024, the project organised a technical workshop in Beijing to discuss the progress made in the pilot cities and areas together with the working

Sino-German cooperation on early emissions peaking and decarbonization of the transport sector in Hunan province takes off

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Hunan Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (HRAES) jointly kicked-off a collaboration aiming to speed up decarbonization of the transportation sector in Hunan province in Changsha on 25th July 2024. The cooperation with HRAES will contribute to the development of carbon reduction pathways

Chinese E-Bus experts visit Urban-Act pilot cities in Indonesia

From July 21 to 25, 2024, a group of six Chinese e-bus and e-taxi operation experts from Shenzhen Bus Group visited the Indonesian cities of Padang and Medan, pilot cities of the Urban-Act project in Indonesia. Organised by GIZ China and GIZ Indonesia, this visit facilitated expert exchange and thus

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100125 Beijing, PR China

