The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) published its “Annual Report on China’s Policies and Actions to Address Climate Change 2024” on 6 November 2024, just ahead of COP29. The report summarises the results of China’s actions since 2023 and gives an overview of new policies and requirements to address climate change. Here is a summary of some key developments:
Mitigation of climate change
In November 2023, China released its first national policy for methane emission control, the “Methane Emission Control Action Plan”. According to the report, methane emissions can be reduced by about 57 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year after 2030. In 2023, the share of non-fossil energy in China’s total energy consumption grew to 17.9 percent, and the share of coal consumption dropped from 67.4 percent in 2013 to 55.3 percent. The annual power generation from renewable energy sources accounted for about one-third of the total electricity consumption. In the field of transport, the number of new energy vehicles reached 20.41 million, accounting for 6.1 percent of the total number of vehicles; the electrification rate of railways rose from 52.3 percent in 2012 to 75.2 percent.
Adaptation to climate change
By the end of June 2024, the “National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2035” has been implemented in 29 provincial-level localities and 12 key areas. China has identified 39 cities (districts), including Beijing’s Mentougou District, as pilots for climate resilience and adaptation. Climate change monitoring as well as early warning and risk management have been strengthened: 27 national climate observatories and nearly 70,000 ground-based meteorological observation stations have been built to carry out observations of the earth system’s multiple layers and of meteorological elements on the ground. At the same time, the capacity of natural ecosystems and economic and social systems to adapt to climate change is increasing. By 2023, China has completed the ecological protection and restoration of about 7.7 million hectares; the area of mangrove forests in China has increased to 30,300 hectares, making China one of the few countries in the world with a net growth of mangroves. In 2023, China built and upgraded about 5.74 million hectares of “high-standard” farmland and about 1.64 million hectares of “high-efficiency” water-saving irrigation.
Establishment of a national carbon market
With the implementation of the “Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading” (2024) and the issuance of the “Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading (for Trial Implementation)” (2020), the framework of policies and regulations for the national carbon market has been enhanced. By the end of 2023, the national carbon emissions trading market covered about 5.1 billion tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions and included 2,257 key emission units. With the introduction of penalties for falsification of carbon emissions data, the system for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of carbon market and emissions data has been strengthened.
Improvements to the policy system and support guarantee
China has issued the “Work Programme for Accelerating the Construction of a Dual Control System for Carbon Emissions”, incorporating carbon emission targets and related requirements into national planning. China has extended its vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles, built a reserve bank of ecological and environmental protection financial support projects, and expanded the scope of pilot cities and products for government procurement of green building materials. In terms of education and human resources training, China has organized trainings within the government on topics related to addressing climate change. In addition, the Chinese government has issued the “Implementation Plan for the Establishment of a Carbon Footprint Management System”, improved the statistical accounting and monitoring system for greenhouse gas emissions, and carried out publicity activities such as the National Energy Conservation Awareness Week to raise social awareness.
Participation in global climate governance
China actively engaged in bilateral and multilateral climate change negotiations as well as strengthened international and South-South cooperation in the field of climate change. By the end of June 2024, China had signed 52 documents on South-South cooperation on climate change with 42 developing countries, carried out a series of assistance and dialogues, and supported developing countries in upgrading their capacities.
The Annual Report also outlines China’s stance on international climate cooperation. Underlining that developed countries should lead in emission reductions and financial support, China expresses its willingness to work with all parties to tackle climate change, support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and help build a fair and cooperative global climate governance system. From discussions at COP29, China expected to reach a new collective finance goal, to facilitate private sector funding, and to ensure that climate ambitions are translated into actionable plans.
Original Policy:
MEE (2024): 2024 Annual Report – China’s Policies and Actions to Address Climate Change