Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Exchanges on climate modelling with partners from Inner Mongolia

After the first workshop on modelling concepts with representatives of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region took place on December 15 2021 and a follow-up exchange was held in early 2022, Climate Analytics Australia (CAA), the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and the GIZ NDC Implementation project organized further workshops in the course of April, May and June 2022. Further events and cooperation are planned throughout 2022. On April 06, experts from CAA, NCSC and GIZ exchanged ideas with researchers from the Low-carbon Development Center of Inner Mongolia as well as Inner Mongolia University on technical issues related to emissions modelling. The Chinese side presented a specific modelling challenge to solicit feedback and advice from the consortium partners. Following the discussion, it was agreed that CAA would set up and further develop the models in collaboration with the Chinese side during several follow-up seminars starting in mid-May.

A second format was facilitated on May 10 by NCSC, CAA, and the NDC implementation project. The experts discussed issues concerning the modelling of CO2 scenarios with representatives from the Low-carbon Development Center of Inner Mongolia and Inner Mongolia University. The first part of the virtual meeting, introduced by Dr. Victor Maxwell and Dr. Nandini Das, Climate Energy and Policy Analysts at Climate Analytics, focused on a six-step methodological approach to industrial and energy system analysis featuring (1) the definition of the project objective, (2) the analysis of the energy system, (3) the availability of data, (4) energy use and constraint forecasting, (5) hypothesis test, and (6) the interpretation of results. In the second part of the meeting Mr. Maxwell, Ms. Das and Mr. Pravakar Pradhan, Energy System Modeller at Climate Analytics, then presented three case studies on emission sources as well as emission calculation in China’s coal and chemical sectors and carbon peaking targets. The session was wrapped up by a lively discussion on the specific needs and application intentions of the partners in Inner Mongolia. 

Finally, on June 14 and 28, consortium colleagues from NCSC, CAA, the NewClimate Institute (NCI), and the GIZ NDC Implementation project consulted with representatives from the Low-carbon Development Center of Inner Mongolia and Inner Mongolia University on further cooperation in the area of CO2 scenario modelling. On June 14, CAA provided introduction to the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) modelling tool for the energy sector and demonstrated the application of power sector modelling in LEAP. On June 28, the Inner Mongolia team presented their research objectives, data collection plans, and the current state of implementation of modelling activities in the city of Ordos. Dr. Robert Brecha from CAA presented a draft coal chemical sector for Inner Mongolia region. CAA exchanged ideas with researchers from the Low-carbon Development Center of Inner Mongolia and Inner Mongolia University on the approach of data collection. It was agreed that preliminary activity and emissions-related data would be collected by the Inner Mongolia team and that CAA would provide further modelling examples over the course of July. CAA provided some pre-recorded video clips on LEAP and other materials related to LEAP modelling. 

More project related activities

Beijing visits its partner cities Berlin and Cologne 

From 21 to 24 October 2024, GIZ organized a study tour on climate governance and legislation for a delegation of the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau to its German partner cities Berlin and Cologne. The delegation visited the renowned climate think tanks New Climate Institute and Ecologic Institute and met with representatives of the city governments of Cologne and Berlin.  

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Accelerating the decarbonization of cement in China

From 31 October to 1 November, the NDCI project organized a workshop on greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the cement sector for the provinces Anhui and Sichuan as well as a site visit to two cement factories as part of the project’s efforts to support low-carbon development in the cement sector. Stakeholders and experts discussed the policy and regulatory frameworks for achieving an effective and cost-efficient decarbonization of the cement sector

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