On July 1-2, the training workshop for the study on developing a roadmap for the energy transition and coal phase out was held online to provide a deeper understanding of the context and background of the energy transition in Jiangsu province. The research team from Climate Analytics in Germany, and the team from Jiangsu Zhiqiaotong Engineering Consulting Co. in China participated in this workshop together with the GIZ Jiangsu team. The workshop served as a first evaluation of methodology, tools, and input data. In addition, the workshop provided the starting point for an analysis of lessons learned from Germany and other countries, and provided a specific training session on energy system modelling.
Extension of Jiangsu Project Phase III
The “Supporting the Low Carbon Development of Jiangsu Province Phase III” project has been extended on a cost neutral basis to 30 April 2023 to finalise all indicators for achieving its overall goal. The extension application was approved officially by BMWK on 1 February 2023.