August 30th – Bejing – Li Gao, Department Director of Climate Change, and Liu Youbin, Spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and the Environment’s (MEE), spoke at the monthly ministerial press conference. They praised how the creation of the MEE has streamlined the governance and monitoring of climate change policy down to local government level. China is intent on further developing its role as a leading climate actor at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York on September 23th, showcasing its progress towards its Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement (NDC). China will advocate significant political and financial contributions from more-developed countries towards significant action by less-developed countries, highlighting the scale of the challenge facing those countries. The 14th Five-Year Plan will support some local industries in peaking their emissions earlier than the national 2030 target and place strong emphasis on addressing non-CO2 gas emissions. The Global Centre on Adaptation opened a Beijing office this year, while China also participated in the launch of the Global Commission on Adaptation.
China has so far signed 35 memorandums of understanding with less-developed countries under the South-South Cooperation mechanism, with 10 more currently under negotiation. China is now considering expanding cooperation by pursuing trilateral partnerships, which would include an international organisation. It continues to provide foreign expert training and extensive material grants of such apparatus as solar PV units, energy-efficient street and indoor LED lighting, agricultural equipment, meteorological monitoring apparatus and clean cooking stoves, in solidarity with less-developed countries. Read more in CN