September 05, 2018 – The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) organised an extensive training event with about 200 participants to strengthen the state-owned electricity generation companies’ capability to participate in the further development of national ETS as stipulated in the “National ETS Work Plan for the Power Sector”. Apart from the state-owned power generation companies, officials from the provincial Development and Reform Commissions, provincial Environmental Protection Departments, the Civil Aviation Administration of China and representatives of other emission intensive industries also participated in this event.
At the event, MEE Vice Minister Zhuang Guotai emphasised the role of market based measures as a tool for the abatement of GHGs. As monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) is crucial for emissions trading, he added that the government will assist power generation enterprises to develop their MRV measures. The government will also conduct extensive training of local governments, emitter and verifiers in order to bolster the ETS capacity building.