The agency requested companies from six sectors to submit GHG emissions data including N2O and HFC-23 in 2020.
The National Pollution Permits Management Platform recently published the online reporting sheets for the supplementary GHG emission data collection including N2O and HFC-23 in 2020. HFC-23 is a potent greenhouse gas, which is generated as a by-product during the manufacture of HCFC-22, which is used as a refrigerant in various applications. N2O is the third-largest contributor to climate change after CO2 and methane and is generated, among other things, during the production of nitric acid and adipic acid, which are used as raw materials for the production of fertilizers and nylon, respectively.
The supplementary data are requested from six sectors: construction materials, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals and paper and covers 18 sub-sectors. In opposite to the 2019 data collection, the power and aviation sectors were not included; enterprises in the abovementioned industries that produce HCFC-22 and nitric acid, are requested to hand in data on the N2O and HFC-23 emissions. According to the “Notice on strengthening the management of corporate greenhouse gas emission reports”, which was issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on 29 March, the emission reporting should be completed by 30 September.
While several sectors were requested to hand in data on CO2 recycling, the reported recycled emissions will not be deducted from the company’s total emissions. It remains to be seen whether CO2 recycling will be considered in the allocation of emission allowances in future policy designs