Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Status and Prospect of Hydrogen Economy

Together with the United Nations Development Programme, Tsinghua University, Changzhou DRC and Nanjing University, GIZ held a workshop on the Status and Prospect of Hydrogen Economy in Changzhou located in Jiangsu Province. Green hydrogen production from (excessive) wind power is developing very fast in Germany and other countries. Being already in use in Yancheng, it is suggested to explore further possibilities to utilize excess wind power from the large off-shore wind parks in Jiangsu to convert to green hydrogen. The German company Siemens provided about a quarter of the turbines in the off-shore wind parks of Jiangsu.

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Extension of Jiangsu Project Phase III

The “Supporting the Low Carbon Development of Jiangsu Province Phase III” project has been extended on a cost neutral basis to 30 April 2023 to finalise all indicators for achieving its overall goal. The extension application was approved officially by BMWK on 1 February 2023.

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