Climate Cooperation China
On behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Supporting the Low Carbon Development of Jiangsu Province Phase III

Initial Situation

China’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) at a peaking of CO2 emissions until 2030, reducing the emission intensity of its economy (CO2 emissions per unit of GDP) by 60% to 65% compared to 2005-levels and increasing the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20% in the same time frame.

On its path towards these goals, China needs ambitious provinces like Jiangsu which is a role model in driving low carbon development forward by aspiring to reach its carbon peak 5-10 years earlier. Furthermore, within the framework of the 13th Five-Year-Plan (FYP, 2016-2020) Jiangsu targets a reduction of carbon intensity 5-8% higher than the average national target. Further goals for reducing energy intensity (national target 15%, Jiangsu 18%) and carbon intensity (national target 18%, Jiangsu 19%) show Jiangsu’s ambitions.

Jiangsu province is highly industrialized and one of the most developed provinces in China; its population is comparable to Germany’s and its economic power comparable to the one of Switzerland.

Short description

The project supports its Chinese partners in enabling the transformation towards a low carbon economy, which is in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and advances reaching the goals of the 13th / 14th FYP (2016-2020 / 2021-2025) of Jiangsu province as well as the early peaking of its CO2 emissions. At the local level, activities built on lessons learned during the previous project phases I and II. Supported by the provincial government, a sustainable network that persists beyond the duration of the project, will be established. It facilitates a long-term exchange between German and Chinese actors from industry, academia and politics as well as the discourse on coal phase-out. The project and the network will achieve sustainable capacity development through the introduction of methodological knowledge on how to build and manage knowledge networks and how to ensure financing. Furthermore, the necessary technical expertise required by stakeholders of the network will be provided. Results, best practices and proven impacts will contribute to the national and international dialogue on climate change.

Multiplier effect

In order to stabilize results of three project phases and to ensure the sustainability of knowledge transfer and capacity building regarding low carbon development, a permanent network structure will be created in the final phase of the project. The project will build capacity to enable network stakeholders to sustainably manage and finance the network. In addition, train-the-trainer programs are being established in the areas of climate protection and low carbon development, which are offered and implemented by the network stakeholders after the end of the project.

In the long-term, strengthened individual and institutional capacities will contribute to integrated planning of climate protection measures at local and provincial levels. By developing and establishing a sustainable structure to safeguard knowledge and capacity regarding low carbon development, the measures implemented as well as the project inputs will have an enduring impact and will support Jiangsu’s climate strategies, and serve to achieve China’s NDC as well as the 2030 Agenda.

Partners –

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Our team
Hu Qingying
Ms. Hu Qiying has an engineering background and got her Master of Science degree from Flensburg University, Germany, with a major in Renewable Energy and Project Management. She used to work for Ecofys Beijing office as senior consultant and Renewable Energy Department of E.ON in UK, where she was responsible for wind farm development. She has been working for GIZ for more than 14 years in different projects, such as project manager in Renewable Energies in Rural Areas in China and project coordinator for the energy and environmental sector of GTZ China. She has extensive knowledge, skills, experiences and network in renewable energy and climate change fields in China.

Hu Ning

Hu Ning joined GIZ in 2012 as a Technical Advisor at the Jiangsu Low Carbon Development Project and in 2015, he continued working in the follow up project phase in Jiangsu province.

Hu Ning received a “Dipl-Ing.” degree in architecture from University Kassel, Germany in 2005. He is specialized in building energy efficiency, building renewable energy utilization and related domestic and German policy.

Before joining GIZ, Hu Ning worked as planning manager and project manager in a governmental developing firm in Nanjing.

Duan Jianping

Duan Jianping joined GIZ in 2012 at Jiangsu Low Carbon Project. A Master’s degree in Electric Automation from Nanjing University of Science and Technology. With 5 years carbon trading experience of projects like waste heat recovery, solar power, waste incineration,wind power, biomass power etc. and successful registered projects in UNFCCC. And 3 years’ experience for oversea power station construction in south-east Asia and mid Europe. As a Technical Advisor he now focuses on Germany know-how promotion in the area of hydrogen power, large-scale power storage, circular economy and micro-grid etc.

Zhu Xiaodong

As Project Coordinator, Zhu Xiaodong supports the Jiangsu Low Carbon Project Team in preparation, implementation, evaluation and documentation of project activities and their success, as well as office management and project expenditures.

Graduated from Nanjing Agricultural University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Foreign Trade English in 2001, she has been working for different GIZ projects including Organic Farming Development, Eco City Development and Management, Sustainable Urban Development and now Jiangsu Low Carbon Development.

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Contact Us

Sunflower Tower 1100 (11F)
37 Maizidian Street, Chaoyang District
100125 Beijing, PR China

