In the context of the ambitious targets of “reaching the peak of China’s Carbon (CO2) emissions before the year 2030” and “reach carbon neutrality in China in 2060” which was announced by China’s President Xi Jinping during the General Debate of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, and in order to meet the 14th Five Year Plan as well as the green development concept, on March 26, the GIZ Jiangsu project together with the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province, the Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province, and the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government held a Symposium on Sustainable Industrial Area – Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality in Industrial Parks in Nanjing. The conference adopted a hybrid offline and online (open live broadcast) format.
The event was chaired by Ms. Wang Hua, Division Chief of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province. Mr. Zhang Qiang, Deputy Division Chief of the Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province and Ms. Hu Qiying, Director of the GIZ Jiangsu project delivered welcoming speeches. Domestic and international experts from the Jiangsu Strategy and Development Research Center, the Jiangsu Productivity Promotion Center, Southeast University, the Jiangsu High-Tech Service Centre, COVESTRO AG, and SAPHERIOR GmbH gave thematic presentations regarding policies, financing, and technologies for reaching carbon peaking in industrial parks.
More than 100 representatives from Jiangsu government departments, local development zones and relevant enterprises participated in the onsite symposium. And more than 5600 participants watched the live broadcasting and interacted with presenters online.