The Multilateral Cooperation Centre for Development Finance (MCDF) is a new, but prospectively important initiative in international development finance, initiated by China at the inaugural Belt and Road Forum in 2017, and now endorsed by eight leading international development banks worldwide. MCDF is a multilateral initiative to increase high-quality infrastructure and connectivity investments in developing economies in compliance with the international financial institution standards applied by accredited implementing partners through information sharing, capacity building and project preparation. It intends to support the implementation of the G20 Quality Infrastructure Principles, the UN Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris Agreement. Further Information (ENG).
China expands carbon market and refines voluntary emissions reduction mechanisms
In September 2024, China has issued several key policy documents to expand and gradually refine both its compliance carbon market and its voluntary emissions reduction mechanisms.
The Work Plan for Expanding the National Carbon Emissions Trading Market to Include the Cement, Steel, and Electrolytic Aluminium Industries released by the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) at the beginning of September 2024 has garnered widespread attention. The draft that has been put up for public consultation proposes the inclusion of high-emission sectors such as cement, iron and steel, as well as electrolytic aluminium into the national carbon trading system (referred to as national ETS), starting already in 2024. This move will greatly expand the market’s coverage to around 8 Gts of CO2, which make up 60% of China’s total emissions, according to the MEE.