Workshop Summary: Training on National ETS for Cement Industry (Beijing)
23-24 April 2016 – The Chinese Government has made climate protection and the transition to a low-carbon
23-24 April 2016 – The Chinese Government has made climate protection and the transition to a low-carbon
Photo Credit: Press Office BMUB 21 April 2016 – German Federal Minister of the Environment, Ms. Barbara Hendricks, visited the Shanghai Environmental
10-11 March 2016 – China’s national Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is scheduled for 2017. Civil aviation was nominated for inclusion
On 8 March 2016, the GIZ and the China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology (CAST) hosted a workshop in Beijing on “Allowance Allocation in Civil Aviation Sector for China’s National Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).” It was attended by members of government authority, airlines, research institutions and other stakeholders.
Dec 28, 2015 – In recent years, China has launched seven emissions trading pilots in two provinces and five cities. Since the pilot schemes have been operational for about two years the next step is to set up a national emissions trading scheme (ETS), which is scheduled for 2017. In
01-02 November 2015 – The Sino-German project Capacity Building for the Establishment of Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS) in China co-organized the International Symposium on COP21: Climate Policy and Law. In anticipation of the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) taking place from November 30 to December 11, 2015 in Paris, the